Our suite of products.
We offer a suite of products that elevate product design, reduce material waste, increase labor productivity, integrate supply chain, and de-risk capital investment.

Our BILTtwin is at the core of what we do. It's the DNA of the home that builders will sell, build & stand behind.
Everything is engineered & coordinated in the BILTtwin before it's built on site. Imagine what problems this will eliminate.

Our BILTbom is a digitally precise Bill Of Materials (BOM) to order exactly what is needed for construction.
It's the trusted source of data used to facilitate integrating the supply chain & trades.

Click here to see a sample of the BILTbom

Click here to see a sample of the BILTcd
Our BILTcd is a simplified & digitally coordinated set of construction documents. These CDs are easy for the trades to use, thereby driving labor productivity gains.
As former builders, we understand the challenges of bidding, permitting & building from a bloated, uncoordinated set of construction documents.

Our BILTverify digitally compares what's been built to the BILTtwin. This technology pulls it all together, from the front-end design & purchasing to the back-end of construction.
The BILTverify technology can ensure materials are being used as specified & hold the trades accountable.

Our BILTid improves the homeownership experience & enhances the home's value. It provides a competitive advantage for builders by delivering a high level of transparency that homeowners love.
Wouldn't new homeowners love to know everything about one of the most important purchases of their life?

Click here to take a tour of the BILTid